About Us
Ubora OpEx Solutions LLC was born out of both passion and experience that Mr. Mungecho, Simon, Founder and Managing Director, has in the world of Process & Systems Engineering,
Operational Excellence, and Continuous Improvement. In addition, his great desire to help companies maneuver the challenges of complexity of issues that arise from running any operation
for that matter and his observations working in different business sectors, provoked his thoughts
on the idea of Ubora OpEx Solutions. This led him to think of a platform that would be easy to access, easy to interact with and relatively affordable that business owners and stakeholders could use to find solutions that would help them accelerate their business operations, improve
the bottom line while most importantly creating value for the end user customer. Our strategy is based on a 3-legged stool, symbolizing our dedication to Quality, Excellence and Superiority. With that vision in mind “to empower businesses become operationally self-sustaining, successful, and
create value at the same time”, Ubora Opex Solutions was launched. We hope that businesses will take advantage of the E-Books, E-Learning courses and Consultation services that we offer, to not only grow but also improve from within and attract more customers and higher returns. We
appreciate and respect everyone.

Mungecho, Simon P,
Founder & Managing Director