Total Productive Maintenance eBook

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a structured approach aimed at 3 key objectives: Return to “Like New” Conditions, Establish and Implement Lubrication and Inspection Standards consisting of shared responsibilities and establishing metrics to track improvements.


Product Description

Equipment and machines are part of todays business environment. Almost every business has one or more equipment that contributes to significant impact when it goes down for repair or breakdown. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a holistic approach to equipment maintenance that strives to achieve perfect production with zero breakdowns, zero small stops or slow running, and zero defects. ✓ Plant managers, line supervisors, and machine operators work with the equipment day in and day out, and they know what’s normal and what’s not. ✓ A TPM approach gives operators the primary responsibility for taking care of their equipment, including cleaning, inspection, and basic maintenance This eBook details the 8 pillars of TPM, how they relate, their value and how best to implement and monitor. Also, highlights critical responsibilities.